Philosophy and Methodology

"The Aavishkarian For Life Philosophy ” Propagates

Leading By Example

At Aavishkar School, we also  believe that being humane or socially sensitive not only creates awareness, but also nationally routed and globally active individuals. The knowledge of virtues and values learnt through various phases and stages of learning enables Aavishkarians to set a trend and lead by example.

Grooming The Future Change Agents

Aavishkar School is an ideal world where the ideal student finds the ideal educator. Every Aavishkarian, be it a student or a teacher is a potential “Change Agent” with an innate capability to increase the pace of evolution and change.

We believe that with our sincere efforts towards imparting education for future, we can enable our learners to bring in a positive transformation in the society.

100% Natural Extracts

Doctor-Scientist Formulated

High Bio-Availability


Academic program at Aavishkar School is based on the three parameters.

Emotional and Physical Well Being

Happy Mind and Healthy Body ensures that all of us at Aavishkar are emotionally and physically ready to take up the challenges of School Education with a smile. Creating a positive environment, observing children closely and listening to them intently will lay the foundation for lifelong learning. Our agenda is to bring the children into a positive and self motivated mode of learning. It’s a fact that emotionally and physically balanced children shall be more eager, prudent and focused at learning, thus ensuring success and achievement.

Brain EM-Power

It’s a fact that humans use only 10% of their brain power. Reason for the same is attributed to regime based learning, no exposure to problem solving, no creative challenges. Our belief at Aavishkar is to harness the intellectual capabilities of the brain. Beginning from simple reading at elementary level to debates, discussions and deliberations at secondary level. The academic program at Aavishkar is all about EM-Powering the Brain, giving it food for thought.


At Aavishkar “ENCOURAGEMENT” is mandatory. The concept of encouragement is ingrained into the system. Every individual is focused on giving positive feedback to the children and to each other, creating an environment where everyone supports each other and team work takes the forefront. At Aavishkar, simple encouragement techniques to complex credit systems all form part of the learning and development program.